The performance is an attempt to tap into the power source of an Ukrainian bear, a distant cousin of the Berlin bear.
Through a techno-shamanic invocation the bear is called out to comfort via tech transferred communication a troubled humanity. The bear´s hibernation involves plenty of sleep permitted on the accumulated fat during summer times. The dreams of the bears over the winter have imprinted themselves into the accumulated fat already rich in nutrients collected from the best nature spots.
A free bear is a picky gourmand and only feeds on the best the nature has to offer: only the buds of wild berries from the most inaccessible pristine places. The bear takes the power from nature, we, by getting in contact with it, reconnect to nature itself once again.
The performance is an attempt to tap into the power source of an Ukrainian bear, a distant cousin of the Berlin bear.
Through a techno-shamanic invocation the bear is called out to comfort via tech transferred communication a troubled humanity.
The bear´s hibernation involves plenty of sleep permitted on the accumulated fat during summer times. The dreams of the bears over the winter have imprinted themselves into the accumulated fat already rich in nutrients collected from the best nature spots. A free bear is a picky gourmand and only feeds on the best the nature has to offer: only the buds of wild berries from the most inaccessible pristine places.
The bear takes the power from nature, we, by getting in contact with it, reconnect to nature itself once again.